Nobody can ignore how important are documents and customs procedures in export / import transactions. Invoices, transport contracts, certificates of origin, licences, permissions, etc, all of them need precise and technical knowledge for each intended export country or destination of the goods.
This service provides basic knowledge about the necessary requirements for customs clearance in any of the countries selected by authorised users, both in terms of export and import transactions.
This service is provided by sending the online form with the information requested. Click “Customs Requirements” to access the form. The username and password are needed for access to this online CyComex´s service.
The answer will be sent by e-mail and all information about customs regulations, technical requirements, documents, customs procedures and tariffs will be delivered in a report.
PREMIUM users will be able to make all sorts of queries about the regulations governing any product or country they wish.
Please write an e-mail to if you have any further questions about this sevice.